(Jed is Taiwanese. He is talking to Wendy, his Canadian friend.)

Jed:People tell me that the trees in Canada are really beautiful this time of year.

Wendy:__1__ . Their leaves change from green to colors like, red, orange, and yellow.

Jed:Do you know __2__ ?

Wendy:When the weather gets colder, the trees stop __3__ chlorophyll.

Jed:And chlorophyll is what gives leaves their green color, right?

Wendy:Right. The green "leaves" the leaves, so to speak.

Jed::So, where do the other colors come __4__ ?

Wendy:They were there before. They were just hidden by the chlorophyll.

Jed:I bet that Canadians spend a lot of time __5__ in the fall.

Wendy:Yes, we do. It's our opportunity to enjoy the beautiful colors before __6__

Jed:What do you like to do during the fall?

Wendy:I like to go biking in the park, or hiking in the woods.

Jed:That must __7__ a lot of fun!

Wendy:It sure is.


* chlorophyll 葉綠素    * bet 確信    * opportunity 機會


1. (A) It does (B) It is (C) They are (D) They do

2. (A) when does that happen           (B) why that happens
    (C) how does that happen             (D) why does that happen

3. (A) to make (B) made (C) making (D) make

4. (A) from (B) to (C) up (D) about

5. (A) indoor (B) indoors (C) outdoor (D) outdoors

6. (A) spring (B) summer (C) fall (D) winter

7. (A) be (B) has (C) is (D) have



1. (C),They are. 是 The trees in Canada are really beautiful ... 的省略。
              (D) They do. 則是指 People tell me that ...,但由後句可推知 Wendy 有看過樹葉變色,而人們有沒有告訴Jed這件事,Wendy 應該是不可能知道,所以不能選 (D)。

2. (B),間接問句用的是一般直述句型。其他均為疑問詞 S + V。

3. (C),按文意,應該是「停止生產 (stop + V-ing)」葉綠素,而不是「停下來去生產(stop to + 原形V)」葉綠素。

4. (A),where ... come from (...從哪裡來的)。
            (A) come from (來自於) (B) come to (到達) (C) come up (前來) (D) come about (發生)

5. (D),indoor,outdoor 是形容詞。indoors,outdoors是副詞。
            用副詞修飾動詞 spend;另外,欣賞樹葉一定要在「戶外(outdoors)」進行。

6. (D),前一句提到加拿大人在秋天花很多時間待在戶外,他們要在「冬天」樹葉掉光前欣賞戶外的自然之美。

7. (A),be fun 的主詞是人或事,意思是「有趣、好玩」;have fun 的主詞是人或物。意思是「玩得開心」。依文意,應選 be。




    S + can/should/may/must/will/... + 原型 V ...

例句:Can John speak English? Yes, he can. (John 會講英文嗎?是的,他會。)

例句:You shouldn't park the car along the red line. (你不應該沿紅線停車。)

練習1:__________ I __________ __________?

練習2:What __________ I __________ for you?

練習3:Students __________ __________ cheat on tests.

練習4:Sue is absent today. She __________ __________ sick.


答案:1. May/can, come in  2. can, do  3. should not  4. must be

    創作者 業精於勤事立於豫 的頭像


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