Some people have power over plants. There is a saying in England that some people have “green fingers.” It means that they are very good __41__ making plants grow. Others believe that if they talk to their plants __42__ kind words and a soft voice, they will help them to grow better. But if they shout at them, the plants may stop growing. It’s rather difficult to prove __43__ or not this is true. __44__ , some studies have shown that music can affect plants. AnAmerican woman student __45__ different kinds of music to plants. When she played classical music (Bach orBeethoven), she found that the plants grew towards and around the loud-speakers; but when she played pop music, the plants grow in the opposite direction as if they were trying to escape from it. Plants apparently like soft music and not loud music, perhaps they also like the sound of soft voices.
(A) 41. (A) at 
(C) in 
(B) with
(D) as 
(D) 42. (A) use 
(C) used 
(B) into 
(D) with
(C) 43. (A) if 
(C) whether 
(B) till  
(D) even
(D) 44. (A) But 
(C) When 

(B) After
(D) However
(B) 45. (A) tries to play 
(C) tried to play at 
(B) tried playing
(D) tries to playing at

Some people have power over plants. (有些人對植物有種力量。)

There is a saying in England that some people have “green fingers.”(在英格蘭的說法是某些人有「綠手指」。

It means that they are very good __41__ making plants grow. (意思是他們非常擅長讓植物生長。)

41. (A) at (B) with (C) in (D) as 

[考片語] be good at ... (擅長於...)

Others believe that if they talk to their plants __42__ kind words and a soft voice, they will help them to grow better. (其他一些人相信假如他們對植物用溫柔的聲音說慈愛的話,會幫助植物生長更好。)


(A) use → 已有動詞 talk,要改為 to V 或 V-ing。

(B) into 到...裡面 → 語意不符。

(C) used → 已有動詞 talk,要改為 to V 或 V-ing。

(D) with 使用...,與... 

But if they shout at them, the plants may stop growing. (但假如他們對植物大叫狂罵,植物可能會停止生長。) 

It's rather difficult to prove __43__ or not this is true. (要證明這是否真實的確蠻困難的。)

43. (A) if (B) till (C) whether (D) even 

看到空格後是 or not,空格一定是 whether

[考片語] whether ... or not (是否...) 

__44__ , some studies have shown that music can affect plants. (然而,有些研究顯示音樂會影響植物。)


(A) But 但 → 直接接 S+V

(B) After ...之後 → 直接接 S+V

(C) When 當... → 直接接 S+V

(D) However 然而 → 後面需接逗點。

An American woman student __45__ different kinds of music to plants. (一位美國女學生試著放不同種類的音樂給植物聽。)

When she played classical music (Bach or Beethoven), she found that the plants grew towards and around the loud-speakers; but when she played pop music, the plants grow in the opposite direction as if they were trying to escape from it. (當她放古典音樂(巴哈或貝多芬),她發現植物會朝向揚聲器圍繞生長;但當她放流行音樂,植物會朝反方向生長,彷彿植物想要逃離它。)

Plants apparently like soft music and not loud music, perhaps they also like the sound of soft voices. (植物顯然喜歡輕柔音樂而不是吵鬧的音樂,或許他們也喜歡輕柔的聲音。)

45. (A) tries to play (B) tried playing (C) tried to play at (D) tries to playing at 

[考文法] play music 中間無介係詞,刪除(C)(D)。

try + to V,嘗試要達到某種目的,結果未知。

try + V-ing,試著用某種方法去達成目的 (V-ing 部份是所嘗試的方法)。

所以,這裡比較符合的是 她試著「放不同音樂」。這是一種嘗試方法,所以選(B)。



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