Most people would agree that their lives have been positively affected by the Internet and e-mail. The Internet allows us to access large amounts of information on nearly any topic quickly and cheaply. E-mail allows us to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues __41__ instantly even when they are on another continent. __42__, a question on many people’s minds concerns privacy. Does a company or government agency have the right to __43__ a record of the sites you visit on the Internet? Does your employer have the right to __44__ your e-mail message? Democratic societies create large zones of privacy for individuals by __45__ the power of public and private authorities to look into anyone’s personal matters. Although privacy is still a very important value, the computer age has brought a new debate over privacy rights.

(A) 41. (A)almost
(C) 42. (A)Additionally
(C) 43. (A)break
(C) 44. (A)guess
(B) 45. (A)expanding




Most people would agree that their lives have been positively affected by the Internet and e-mail. (大多數人都同意,他們的生活已確實被網路和電子郵件所影響。)

The Internet allows us to access large amounts of information on nearly any topic quickly and cheaply. (網路使我們能夠快速且廉價地接觸大量的資訊,幾乎是任何主題都有。)

E-mail allows us to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues __41__ instantly even when they are on another continent. (電子郵件讓我們可以與朋友、家人和同事幾乎是立即溝通,即使他們人在另一個大陸。)

41. (A)almost 幾乎 (B)barely 勉強 (C)enough 足夠 (D)much 很多 

__42__, a question on many people’s minds concerns privacy. (然而,很多人心中的擔憂就是隱私問題。)

42. (A)Additionally另外 (B)Furthermore 此外;再者 (C)However 然而 (D)Moreover 此外;再者 

Does a company or government agency have the right to __43__ a record of the sites you visit on the Internet? (一個公司或政府機構是否有權紀錄你在網路上造訪的網站?)

43. (A)break (B)catch (C)keep (D)play 

[考片語] keep a record 保有紀錄 

Does your employer have the right to __44__ your e-mail message? (你的雇主是否有權閲讀你的電子郵件訊息?)

44. (A)guess 猜 (B)look 看 (C)read 讀 (D)write 寫 

[考文法] 看 e-mail 或 newspaper,因為是逐字看,所以用「read」

Democratic societies create large zones of privacy for individuals by __45__ the power of public and private authorities to look into anyone’s personal matters. (民主社會為個人創造出廣大的隱私範圍,透過限制公共部門和私營部門調查任何個人事務的權力。)

Although privacy is still a very important value, the computer age has brought a new debate over privacy rights. (雖然個人隱私仍然很重要,但電腦時代已為隱私權帶來新的討論。)

45. (A)expanding 擴張 (B)limiting 限制 (C)protectin 保護 (D)stressing  施壓


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