When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. __41__, the parents needed an alarm clock in the morning, but now the baby decides when they should wake up. Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. __43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. __45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It’s always about the baby.

(B) 41. (A)At the past
(C)On the past
(B)In the past
(D)Within the past
(A) 42. (A)spent their evenings watching TV or reading
(C)spent their evenings watch TV or to read
(B)spent their evenings watch TV or read
(D)spent their evenings watching TV or read
(D) 43. (A)To contrast to
(C)On contrast in
(B)To contrast in
(D)In contrast to
(C) 44. (A)to going out
(C)to go out
(B)to gone out
(D)going out
(C) 45. (A)Alike



When the first baby arrives in a household, everything changes. (當第一個寶寶在家庭裡出生,一切都改變了,。)

__41__, the parents needed an alarm clock in the morning, but now the baby decides when they should wake up. (在過去,父母需要用鬧鐘喚醒,但現在寶寶決定了他們必須何時起床。)


(A) At the past

(B) In the past

(C) On the past

(D) Within the past

[考片語] In the past 在過去,in 有 在...之中的意思 

Formerly, the parents __42__, but now all their free time is spent admiring their infant. (從前,父母將整晚時間耗在看電視或閲讀,但現在他們所有空閒時間都拿來稱讚他們的嬰孩。)


(A) spent their evenings watching TV or reading

(B) spent their evenings watch TV or read

(C) spent their evenings watch TV or to read

(D) spent their evenings watching TV or read

[考文法] spent + 時間 + V-ing,先刪除(B)(C)。

or 是對等連接詞,所以前面動詞是 V-ing ,後面動詞也必須是V-ing,選(A)。

__43__ pre-baby days, their life is more carefully planned. (懷孕時期相比,他們的生活更小心地計畫。)


(A) To contrast to

(B) To contrast in

(C) On contrast in

(D) In contrast to

[考片語] in contrast to (與...相比),其他選項皆無此用法。

by contrast 或 in contrast (to/with) 對照之下、與……成對比,都是用來對比兩件事或兩個人之不同處。

(1) In contrast 通常會與 to 或 with 連用,句型:in contrast to/with + 名詞。

例句: In contrast to those professional writers, Gray's literary output was small. (與其餘專職作家不同, 格雷作品極少。)

(2) by contrast 通常用逗點隔開。句型:by contrast, S + V。

例句:By contrast, he was much cleverer. (相比之下, 他要機靈得多。)

While they used __44__ to see friends whenever they wanted to, that is no longer possible. (以前他們隨時都可以外出拜訪朋友,而現在已經不可能了。)

If they want to go out without the baby, they must arrange for a babysitter. (如果他們想不帶寶寶出門,就必須為寶寶安排一位保姆。)


(A) to going out

(B) to gone out

(C) to go out

(D) going out

[考文法] 過去常做,現在沒有做的習慣用法。句型使用:used to + 原形V 

__45__ the neat and tidy rooms of the past, these days their apartment is full of baby things. (不像從前整潔的房間,現在他們的公寓堆滿了寶寶的東西。)

Their friends have even noticed a difference in the topic of conversation: It's always about the baby. 他們的朋友甚至會注意到話題已經不同:(話題)總是環繞在寶寶身上。)


(A) Alike 像是。

(B)Liking 喜歡。

(C) Unlike 不像。

(D) Likely 可能地。

所以只能選(C) Unlike 不像


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