Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school attendance or performance on tests. Some American __41__ are doing this. But more of you were against the idea than were __42__ it. Some people said paying students sends a message that __43__ is the only valuable reward. Steven from China says students should study for knowledge. Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, but we should think about the __44__. Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying. __45__ students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects.

(C) 41. (A)news
(A) 42. (A)for
(C) 43. (A)knowledge
(A) 44. (A)long term
(C)school performance
(B)paying students
(D)valuable reward
(D) 45. (A)Considering




Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school attendance or performance on tests. (最近我們向你們詢問有關付費請學生到校上課或參加考試的意見。)

Some American __41__ are doing this. (一些美國學校正如此進行著。)

41. (A)news 新聞 (B)opinions 意見 (C)schools 學校 (D)students 學生 

But more of you were against the idea than were __42__ it. (但你們當中反對的意見多過於支持。)

42. (A)for 支持 (B)liking喜歡 (C)support 支持 (D)to 向

[考文法] 這裡考的是,than,對等連接詞的概念。

前面是 be against the idea (反對意見),後面應為 be for the idea(支持)。

這裡的 against 及 for 是 介係詞。

這裡的against 不是動詞喔,仔細看就可看出 be 後,如果是動詞必須改為V-ing 或Vpp !

Some people said paying students sends a message that __43__ is the only valuable reward. (有些人説付費給學生,傳送出一種「金錢是唯一的有價值的獎勵」這樣的訊息。

43. (A)knowledge 知識 (B)lecture 演講;授課 (C)money 金錢 (D)opinion 意見 

Steven from China says students should study for knowledge. (來自中國的Steven認為學生應該為了知識而學習。)

Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, but we should think about the __44__. (金錢也許可促進短期的出席率,但我們應該思考長期效益。)

44. (A)long term 長期 (B)paying students 付費給學生 (C)school performance 學校績效 (D)valuable reward 有價值的獎勵

Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying.  (ZhaoJingTao,一位中國的大學生,想起一句古諺。)

__45__ students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" — trying to solve a problem without considering the effects. (付費給學生,就像「飲鴆止渴」,雖然試圖去解決問題,但沒有思慮到後果。)

45. (A)Considering 考慮 (B)Excellent 優秀的 (C)Knowledgeable 有知識的 (D)Paying 付費


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