Traditionally, Americans and Asians have had very different ideas about love and marriage. Americans believe in “romantic” marriage – a boy and girl are attracted to each other, fall in love, and decide to marry each other. Asians, __21__ , believe in contractual marriage – the parents of the bride and groom decide on the marriage, __22__terms of the agreement; the bride and groom may never meet __23__ their wedding day; and love – __24__ it ever develops – is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it. Generation after generation of Asian men and women have entered matrimony __25__ the more business-like arrangements of the marriage contract.

(D) 21. (A)for example
(C)on one hand
(B)in the end
(D)on the other hand
(D) 22. (A)stating
(C)to state
(D)for stating
(C) 23. (A)in
 (A) 24. (A)if
(C) 25. (A)since
(C)by way of
(D)in that




Traditionally, Americans and Asians have had very different ideas about love and marriage. (傳統上,美國人和亞洲人對於愛和婚姻的看法有很大不同。)

Americans believe in “romantic” marriage – a boy and girl are attracted to each other, fall in love, and decide to marry each other. (美國人相信浪漫的婚姻一男孩和女孩彼此吸引,墜入愛河,然後決定共度餘生。)

Asians, __21__ , believe in contractual marriage — the parents of the bride and groom decide on the marriage,  __22__terms of the agreement; (亞洲人,相信契約婚姻 — 新郎和新娘的雙親決定婚姻,並表達同意)


(A)for example 舉例。

(B)in the end 最後。

(C)on one hand 一方面。

(D)on the other hand 另一方面,但從另一角度而言

[考片語] on the other hand 是指一件事情的不同看法。


例句:We want stay here. Pelton, on the other hand, wants to go there. (我們想待在這裡。但Pelton卻想去這些地方。)


(A)stating (主動)表達。

(B)stated (被動)表達。

(C)to state 為了表達。

(D)for stating 對於表達。

[考文法] 這裡考的是省略連接詞與主詞,將動詞 state 改為分詞構句 stating的句型。

(原句) the parents of the bride and groom decide on the marriage, and the parents of the bride and groom  state terms of the agreement;

(減化) the parents of the bride and groom decide on the marriage, stating terms of the agreement; 

the bride and groom may never meet __23__ their wedding day; (新娘與新郎直到他們結婚那天才見面; )

23、(A)in (B)with (C)until (D)since

 [考文法] 這題是考 not ... until (直到...才...)的句型。

and love – __(24)__ it ever develops – is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it. (而這種如果會發生的愛應該是發展於婚姻後,而不是在這之前發生。 )


(A)if 假如

(B)since 自從

(C)because 因為

(D)and 而且

 - __(24)__ it ever develops - 是插入語,是形容 love,可解釋它是一種形容詞子句。

也可改寫為,love that if it ever develops is supposed to follow marriage, not precede it. 

[考片語] if ever (如果會...), if ever it develops (如果會發生) 

Generation after generation of Asian men and women have entered matrimony __(25)__ the more business-like arrangements of the marriage contract.



(A)since 自從/因為。

(B)during 在...期間。

(C)by way of 經由,透過。

(D)in that 既然。

* matrimony 婚姻生活

* business-like 像商業一般


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