What are the requirements of a good learners’ dictionary? __41__ , it should include the right information, the information should be easy to find and —once __42__ — it should be easy to understand and easy to use. Ensuring that we cover the “right” information calls, first, __43__ careful analysis of all the available linguistic data. A large and diverse corpus is an essential basis for this operation, __44__ it is only the starting point. Intelligent data-extraction software enables __45__ to get maximum value from the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with University of Brighton’s Information Technology Research Institute.

(C) 41. (A)Actively
(A) 42. (A)found
(B)for all
(D) 43. (A)at
(B) 44. (A)which
(D) 45.






What are the requirements of a good learners' dictionary? (對學習者有幫助的字典所需的必要條件是什麼?)

__41__ , it should include the right information, the information should be easy to find and — once __42__ — it should be easy to understand and easy to use. (簡單來說,它應該包含正確的資訊,這些資訊應該讓人容易找到,一旦找到資訊,它也應該容易理解和使用。)


(A) Actively 積極地。

(B) Frankly 坦白地。

(C) Briefly 簡短地。

(D) Luckily 幸運地。


(A) found 找到。是 once it was found 的省略句型,減化為 once found。

(B) for all → [片語] once for all 一勞永逸。

(C) made 做到。

(D) again 再次。

Ensuring that we cover the “right” information calls, first, __43__ careful analysis of all the available linguistic data. (當我們確定正確的資訊符合需求,首先,我們會對所有可獲得的語言資料仔細分析。)

* ensuring that ... 確保...。

* calls 需求。


(A) at 在...。

(B) out 在...之外。

(C) in 在...之中。

(D) for 對於。

A large and diverse corpus is an essential basis for this operation, __44__ it is only the starting point. (一個大量及多元的資料庫是運作的基本要件,但它只是一個起點。)


(A) which → (X) 可改寫為 which is only....

(B) but → (O)。

(C) with → (X) with + N。

(D) when → (X) when 當連接詞時,前面不需要逗點。且語意上也有些不符。

Intelligent data-extraction software enables __45__ to get maximum value from the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with University of Brighton's Information Technology Research Institute. (智慧資料摘錄軟體讓我們從資料庫中得到最大效益,而我們的編輯團隊得益於與Brighton大學資訊科技研究中心的合作。)

* extration 抽出;萃取。date-extration 資料摘錄。

* collaboratioon 合作。【col 共同 + labor 勞動 + ation 名詞結尾】


(A) me 我。

(B) them 他們。

(C) him 他。

(D) us 我們。

由後面的our editorial team 可知是指我們,所以空格填入我們的受詞 us。



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