1. This room has accommodation for twenty people. (這房間可容納二十人。)
更正:can accommodate
2. Bil has intercourse with Mary. (比爾認識瑪麗。)
更正:has some acquaintance / is acquainted
[NOTE] intercourse通常作 "sexual intercourse(性關係)"之意使用,故最好避免使用此字。本句亦可說成: “ Bill knows Mary. ”
3. Our new instructor brought a refreshment to our department. (新任老師給我們系上帶來新鮮的氣息。)
更正:a breath of fresh air
[Note] 此句意指 "The new instructor, because of his personality and views, was a refreshing influence on the department." ,故應使用 "a breath of fresh air" , refreshment的意思是「令人身心愉快的東西」。
4. Now is the time for act. (現在正是行動的時機。)
更正:for action / to act
[NOTE] for之後接用名詞action;假使使用動詞act ,就得使用to不定詞。
5. Anywhere will do! (那裏都可以。)
更正:Any place
[Note] anywhere是副詞,不可當主詞。
6. Bring any your friend to my party. (順便帶你的朋友來參加我的宴會。)
更正:any of your friends
7. How many pieces of clothing were stolen? (衣服被偷了幾件?)
8. I am sure the result will end in success. (我確信這項嚐試終將會成功。
[Note] result 與 end 兩者並非絕對關係,故須用attempt 。
9. I saw him at the barber. (我在理髮廳碰到他。)
更正:barber's [英] / barbershop [美]
10. Hawaii has many beautiful seas for swimming. (夏威夷有許多可游泳的美麗海灘。)