21. Be sure to come here on time without failure. (務必準時到達。)
[Note] be sure to 之後加用 without fail 感受上稍嫌 redundant(多餘的);但爲了加強語氣,還是可以使用。
Be sure to come here on time. | 這兩句都比 "Be sure to come here on time without fail." 常用 |
Come here on time without fail. |
22. The profession of my father's is an English teacher. (我父親是英語老師。)
更正:My father
[Note] teacher 的意思是 "a person who gives lessons or classes",
profession 的意思是 "job that requires special education and training",兩者性質迥異。
23. Many father's friends came to the meeting. (許多父親的朋友列席會議。)
更正:Many of my father's friends / Many friends of my father's / Many friends of my father / My father's many friends.
[Note] 除了第四句,其他前三句在語法上均可通用,其意思是 "My father has many friends and a lot of them (but not all) came to the meeting.",而第四句的表現方式在語法上是正確的,只有意義稍有不同,是指 "My father has many friends and all of them came to the meeting"。
24. They had a really nice play in Yankee Stadium last night. (昨晚他們在洋基棒球場上表現得很優越。)
[Note] play的意思是指 "something that is done for fun or pleasure" ,
game的意思是 "a contest in which the players must follow specific rules"。
25. Kick your bad custom. (改掉你的壞習慣。)
[Note] custom 是指某一國家或社會長期延續下來的傳統習俗,
habit 是指個人無意中反蹈覆轍的習慣。
kick 意思是 "discontinue"、" stop" 。
本句亦可改寫為: | Get rid of your bad habit(s). |
Change your bad habit(s). |
26. He put up with much hardiness. (他忍受萬般困難。)
[Note] hardiness 的意思是 "physical endurance(體能耐力; 體能極限)",
hardship是 "the condition of difficulty, pain, or suffering, such as poverty or illness"
27. The head office is in Tokyo. (總公司設於東京。)
更正:headquarters / main office
28. John showed us an action of heroism. (約翰顯示了英雄式的行爲。)
更正:a heroic act
[Note] act 常使用於個人的行爲,
action 則使用於抽象或團體性的行爲。
29. I still keep some library books at house. (圖書館的書還有幾本放在家裏。)
[Note] at house 不合語法。
30. Check the passports of all the emigrants. (審核所有移民的護照。)
emigrant | 意思是遷居他國的移民 |
immigrant | 意思是移入的移民 |