41. He feels a deep sense of duty toward his parents. (他深感雙親的深恩。)
[NOTE] 意指“ the fact or condition of being grateful or indebted to another for something received" 時,須使用obligation.
例句:It's the duty of parents to care for their children properly. (照料小孩是父母親的義務。)
42. We bought ten cases of cigarettes and five cigars. (我們買了十條香煙和五支雪茄。)
[NOTE] case的意思是" a box or containerm ade to hold or cover something” ,
pack是“ a package containing a certain number of similar things"。
43. He spent the majority of his savings on her. (他把大部分的儲蓄花在她身上。)
更正:larger part / greater part
44. Streets and parks were filled with persons. (街道和公園裏到處是人潮。)
[NOTE] 因persons是指少數人們或特定類別的人們。
45. Can't you feel pitiful for these helpless animals? (你不能愛憐這些無助的動物嗎?)
[NOTE]「憐憫 」是“ feel pity for",使用名詞pity
46. Can I play some of your phonograph records? (我可以放幾張唱片聽聽嗎?)
更正:phonograph records / records
[NOTE] phonograph records 是使用於通俗語法中,無誤用之嫌;在文章裏,這類用字可能稍嫌redundant 。
47. Professor Miller's book is not on drama but on poems. (密勒教授寫的書不是劇本,是詩集。)
[NOTE] poetry 的意思是" the form of literature dealing with poems” ,
poem " one piece of poetry"。
48. Two police are protecting us. (兩位警員保護著我們。)
[Note] police通常指一集合體,
例句:The police were checking all the cars entering the city.
policeman使用於底下的句子. Two policemen were searching the building.
49. The cost of fond went down in May. (五月裏食物的價格下跌。)
更正:The oost of food / Food prices / The priee of food
[NOTE] cost是指購買物品、或支付勞力的金額。
本句的 "The cost of food" 在語法上可視爲正確。
50. My mother is the school chief. (母親是該校的校長。)
[NOTE] 學校校長是 "principal"