11. She entered a beauty contest, because she was proud of her health and wanted to show it in public. (她對自己的身材頗以爲傲,爲能展現於衆人面前,所以參加了選美大會。)
12. This toothpaste helps (to) control your bad smell. (這牙膏有助於消除你的口臭。)
13. Take a deep breathe. (深呼吸一下。)
[NOTE] breathe 是動詞。
14. Are you telling me that I am one or those rock freaks? (你說我是搖滾樂狂?)
Don't put me in that kind. (千萬別把我列入那類別內。)
[Note] category 意指同一性質東西所屬的類別, kind指在某一觀點上具有共通性質的東西裏的某一種類。
15. Place the table in the middle of the room. (把桌子放在屋内中間。)
[Note] native speaker 之中,有人認爲 middle 和 center 可以通用;但是兩者在意義上卻有少許的區別, middle 指與兩端或周邊等距離的部分, center 指正確的中心(點) 。
16. Never spray any medicines on those apple trees. (不可在蘋果樹上撒農藥。)
[Note] medicine 特指内服用的藥品,chemical是化學藥品。
17. Mary was five minutes late for the first lesson. (第一堂課瑪麗遲到五分鐘。)
[Note] 在此lesson, class 均爲正確用字。至於一般場合,則須視前後文的意思,決定使用 lesson 或 class,通常用法如下:
Mary was five minutes late for the first history class. 這裡的 class 指 "a group of persons"。
Mary was five minutes late for the first piano lesson, 這裡的 lesson 指 "individual lesson (one person)" 。
18. John came to school in his new dress. (約翰穿新衣上學。)
[Note] dress 指女性衣服。但是如果是表示 "a style or choice of clothing(衣服的風格或選擇)" 的話,也可以使用於男性身上,如:His dress was somewhat conservative. (他的穿著稍微保守。)
19. I have no appetite to study. (我不想唸書。)
[Note] food 方面使用appetite;study, work, play則用desire(慾望) , disposition(意象; 傾向) , inclination(傾向; 愛好)。
20. Daily exercise will have a good affect on your health. (天天運動有益於你的身體健康。)
更正: effect
[Note] affect 的意思是 "influence (v.)",故此處必須用 "influence (n.)" 之意的 effect。